05 April 2010


Today has been a rough day. Ezra has taught me more patience than the rest of my life experiences, combined. This is a good thing, right?

I've also made things rough on myself. I pigged out the past couple of days. Ah well, water under the bridge now. I'm making it up to myself today.

Oh, but I did find a new site. http://www.payperpost.com. Looks like a great deal. Basically, it's a site that pays you for your posts (DUH!), and you have advertisements on your blog. I'm willing to deal with those if you are. I'm not sure exactly how it works, but I didn't give much personal information over (email and blog addresses). They have to make sure this is, indeed, my blog. I have to post this phrase somewhere in my post, "a compass was there to get you thinking". I tried to work it in this post without outing the reason, but I'm just not that creative.


Crystal said...

Holidays are so easy to pig out on. That's what weekdays are for though, right? To make up for it.

Unknown said...

I hope I've made it up... We shall see when I get on the scale this evening... lol