04 October 2008

Some Pictures...

I know everyone and their mama has seen these pictures. That's okay. I'm showing off my kids AGAIN. HA!

We will have Devon in for some of them soon. It still makes me sad that he's not in these. So, instead of a group shoot, it was mostly a session for the sisters... Anna and Allison. Allison even wanted to match her sister in dress. WHOA! Who knew. LOL! Oh, and I had to get some of Ezra. Ezra suffers from "Last Kid Syndrome". You know how you have tons and tons of pictures of your oldest? Then a few less as you have more kids. I have lots of digital shots of my boy, but no framed shots. *puts bag over head*

Here's the slideshow for all to see - CLICK HERE

And here are a few of my favorites...

1 comment:

Dawn Endres said...

Aw! Too Cute! Those are great! I love their eyes!